After makino left , masato ozasa , the manager of advertisement department of yachiyo insurance company , the parent company of toa , became the head of tojiin studio . マキノ派が去った後、等持院撮影所長には東亜の親会社・八千代生命の宣伝部長である小笹正人が就任した。
July 28 , 1939: the management of the company was left to oye-yama nickel mining company , which was merged into its parent company nippon yakin kogyo co ., ltd . in 1943 . 1939年(昭和14年)7月28日:大江山ニッケル鉱業(1943年に親会社の日本冶金工業に合併)に経営を委ねる
But before i do , i want to take this opportunity to thank everyone at desert heat and air's parent company , the kaliba group , for their generous donations to this service , and not just for the beautiful flowers しかし、その前に デザート空調の親会社の カリバ社の皆さんに
In march 1929 , ozasa resigned from the company and parent company yachiyo insurance withdrew from film production business because it failed in publishing business and went to ruin . 1929年(昭和4年)3月、小笹が同社を退社、出版事業等にも手を出して没落した親会社・八千代生命が映画製作事業から撤退する。
In october 1969 , nippon rayon co ., ltd . and its parent company , nichibo co ., ltd . were merged to form unittika , ltd ., paving the way for the diversified chemicals manufacturer . 昭和44年(1969年)10月には親会社であったニチボー株式会社と合併し、ユニチカ株式会社が発足し、総合化学メーカーとして歩み出す。
After makino left , ' tojiin studio ' was renamed " toa kinema kyoto studio " and masato ozasa , the manager of advertisement department of parent company yachiyo insurance , became the head of studio . マキノ派去りしのちの「等持院撮影所」は「東亜キネマ京都撮影所」と改称、所長には同社の親会社・八千代生命の宣伝部長である小笹正人が就任した。
Distribution of " sazaesan ," produced in the same manner , was handled by shochiku; however , since its parent company , makino geinosha , dissolved in october 1948 , makino eiga was also forced to close . 同様の枠組みで製作した『サザエさん』の配給は松竹が行なったが、同社は1948年10月に親会社の「マキノ芸能社」が解散したため、畳まざるを得なくなった。
Takamura strived to restore toa kinema , which had lost its parent company , and in 1930 a capital alliance was formed with ' takarazuka eiga ' which had been established by ichizo kobayashi of hankyu railway . 親会社撤退後の東亜キネマの事業の立て直しを図った高村は、その過程で、1930年(昭和5年)に阪急電鉄の小林一三が設立した「宝塚映画」に働きかけ、資金面での提携を図った.
As for the first two mentioned above , the fact is that they have been receiving great support for maintenance , one from jr east and the other from oigawa railway company (consequently its mother company , nagoya railway company ). また、前記の2者にしても、それぞれJR東日本、大井川鐵道(ひいては、その親会社である名古屋鉄道)がその維持に多大な助力をしているというのが現状である。
As there is only one tram , and as the carriage management unit does not have maintenance facilities along the business line , the tram is sometimes sent to parent company jr west ' s rail yard for maintenance and inspection during the winter off-season . 車両関係は営業線内に保守設備を持たず予備のない1編成のみのため、冬期運休期間内に親会社のJR西日本の車両基地へ保守や検査に出されることもある。