Kaioi has not been played anymore in and after modern times , and now a real , complete set of kaioi can be seen only in museums , but some hinaningyo (a set of dolls displayed for the girls ' festival ) still has miniature kaioke and other articles . しかし近代以降は遊ばれることもなく、実物の貝覆いの道具一式は博物館などで見られる程度であるが、雛人形にはミニチュアの貝桶などが今なお残っているのを見ることがある。
Furthermore ton koyano , regarding the territory ruled by the satomi family as a miniature japan , considers that the description of military training led by the satomi family mobilizing people within the domain is connected with the doctrine of coast defense in the later edo period . また、小谷野敦は里見の領国を日本のミニチュアととらえ、領民を組織して行われた里見家の軍事訓練の描写などに江戸時代後期の海防論との関係を見出している。
In the main stone chamber , products made using precious stones , such as magadama (comma-shaped beads of hisui (jade )) , cylindrical beads of jasper , stone bracelets resembling shell bracelets , miniature chairs of stone , miniature combs and miniature lidded small containers , were placed . 主石室は、遺体を埋葬し、玉石製品では翡翠の勾玉、碧玉の管玉、貝輪を真似た石製の腕輪類、ミニチュア化した石製の椅子、櫛、合子などを納めた。
In addition , masakaki (sacred evergreens decorated with a silk flag that has five colors , i .e ., green , yellow , red , white , and blue ) (a miniature ), decorative tokkuri (sake bottles ) (mostly of the kutani ware style ) with male and female butterfly-shaped mikiguchi (plaques put on the mouths of the bottles ), and gohei (wooden wands decorated with shide (zigzag paper streamers )) (kinpei (gold gohei )) are sometimes included in a set of ritual articles . このほか真榊(まさかき、ミニチュア)、雄蝶・雌蝶といった御酒口(ミキグチ)をあつらえた飾り徳利(多くは九谷焼風)、御幣(金幣)などが神具セットに含まれている場合がある。
In some parts of the kansai region as well as kyoto and its vicinity before world war ii , the doll representing the emperor and the doll representing the empress were placed in the imperial palace-like mansion modeled after an emperor ' s palace , and the three court ladies and the five musicians were displayed on the stairs or the garden in front of the two dolls with the fine miniatures such as a dressing table , tea utensils , and tiered food boxes on their sides . 戦前までの上方・京都や関西の一部では天皇の御所を模した御殿式の屋形の中に男雛・女雛を飾り、その前の階段や庭に三人官女や五人囃子らを並べ、横に鏡台や茶道具、重箱などの精巧なミニチュアなどを飾っていた。