The commission was mine until viktor mendelssohn used his flashy credentials to steal my job . あの依頼は 私へのものだった それをヴィクター・メンデルソンが 派手な信任状を振りかざして 私の仕事を盗んだんだ
Perry at last presented the letter from president fillmore , together with his own letter of credence , a memorandum , and so forth , urging japan to open its ports to the world . ペリーは彼等に開国を促すフィルモア大統領親書、提督の信任状、覚書などを手渡した。
The state affairs include the ceremonies of new year reception , imperial investiture , appointment of officials with imperial attestation , imperial conferment of decoration , and presentation of credentials . 新年祝賀、親任式、認証官任命式、勲章親授式、信任状捧呈式の儀式として行われる。
On the occasion of the ' ceremony of presentation of credentials ' as part of the ' reception of foreign diplomats ,' which is counted among the state affairs , a newly-appointed ambassador is offered the service of a horse-drawn carriage for transportation . 天皇の国事行為の「外国の外交官の接受」の一環である「信任状奉呈式」に際しては、皇室の馬車での送迎を認めている。
The inmon (words or symbols engraved on the seal ) on gyoji says ' tenno gyoji ' (emperor ' s gyoji ) (written in two vertical lines with ' emperor ' on the right and ' gyoji ' on the left ) in tensho-tai (seal-engraving style of writing chinese characters ) in square; the seal is placed on instruments of promulgation and ratification of laws , cabinet orders and treaties , credentials of ambassadors and appointment letters and notifications of replacement of the prime minister and the chief judge of the supreme court . 印文は篆書体・角印で「天皇御璽」(2行縦書で右側が「天皇」、左側が「御璽」)であり、法律・政令・条約の公布文や批准書、大使の信任状、内閣総理大臣・最高裁判所長官などの任命の官記や交代の辞令書に捺される。
It is the room of highest social status in the kyuden , where the main regular ceremonies are held , including their majesties ' new year reception , ceremony of the presentation of credentials , imperial investiture , ceremony of appointment of official with imperial attestation , ceremony of imperial conferment of decoration , ceremony of the kosho hajime (imperial new year ' s lectures ), ceremony of the utakai and hajime (imperial new year ' s poetry reading ) and important ceremonies of the imperial family , including choken no gi (rite of audience ) and enthronement ceremony . 宮殿内で最も格式の高い部屋で、新年祝賀の儀、信任状捧呈式、親任式、認証官任命式、勲章 (日本)親授式、講書始、歌会始等の主要な通年の儀式に使用される他、朝見の儀、即位礼正殿の儀などの皇室の重要儀式でも使用される。