They are said to be rare examples in that they tried to interpret sandaihiho around kaidan . 戒壇を中心に三大秘法を解釈しようとした稀有な例と言える。
It has been described in " hoon-sho ," " hokke-shuyo-sho ," " sandaihiho-sho " and so on . 『報恩抄』『法華取要抄』『三大秘法抄』などに記述が見られる。
72 kinds of charms that are also known as ' taijo hiho chintaku reifu ' or ' chintaku shichijunido reifu .' 『太上秘法鎮宅霊符』「鎮宅七十二道霊符」等とも呼ばれる七十二種の護符。
That is to say , in nichiren shoshu sect , the principle image is considered as the center of ' sandai hiho ' (the three great secret dharmas ). すなわち日蓮正宗においては、本尊こそが「三大秘法」の中心として考えられている訳である。
This was a secret art (penalty ) allowed only for san bugyo (three magistrates ), kyoto shoshidai (the kyoto deputy ) and osaka jodai (the keeper of osaka castle ). 原則は三奉行と京都所司代、大坂城代のみが閲覧を許される秘法(罰則あり)である。
At present , ' taijo hiho chintaku reifu ' in dozo are believed to be the original form and it is considered that they were brought over in the early middle ages . 現在の所、道蔵の『太上秘法鎮宅霊符』が原典とされ、中世初期に伝来したものと考えられている。
As for sandaihiho-sho , a research group including zuiei ito , a monk of nichiren sect , are almost certain that it is shinseki (original handwriting ) after having computer analysis . 三大秘法抄については日蓮宗僧侶の伊藤瑞叡らの研究グループによってコンピュータ解析がなされて、真跡だと確定しつつある。
After his mentor ' s death , he climbed up mt . koya at the age of 49 , and received a secret art of both the vajra (the diamond realm ) and garbha (the womb realm ) mandalas from shinzen , shinga ' s disciple . 師の死後、49歳で高野山に上がり、真雅の資(弟子)真然から金胎両部の秘法を受けた。
' the ogusa school ' and ' the shinshi school ' were famous , and each " secret recipe ," such as " the record of what ogusa-dono said ," was inherited from master to student . 「大草流」「進士流」が有名で、『大草殿より相伝之聞書』など師匠から弟子へ一子相伝の料理の”秘法”を伝えていた。
Also , while various religious precepts are preached in each buddhist sect , the precept , namely ' sandai hiho no juji ' (remembering and honoring the three great secret dharmas ) are preached in nichiren shoshu sect . また、仏教各宗派によってさまざまな戒律が説かれているが、日蓮正宗における戒とは「三大秘法の受持」の意である。