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a sword 意味

a swordの意味


  • as a swordsman and as a sword , it means i'm useful to you .
    剣士として 刀として
  • at times , he would wave a sword around in the streets
    路上的每只脚印 都是我努力的证明
  • i would like to ask the teacher to give me a sword .
    執刀を 先生に お願いしたいんです。
  • take me to slaver's bay , put a sword in my hand
    俺をスレイバーズベイへ連れて行き 剣を持たせろ
  • kugyo killed minamoto no nakaakira , too , with a sword .
  • she could have a bo staff or a sword . she'd be amazing .
  • for the record , i advised against wearing a sword
    記事は残るから、 剣を持った姿で
  • even though it's ganga , it's not a gun but a sword
    しかもガンゲーなのに 銃じゃなくて剣でね
  • oi , danjo without a sword is like ...
    おい 剣を持たぬダンジョーは おい 定年後の盆栽マニアのようだぞ?
  • in 969 he was allowed taiken (wearing a sword .)
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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