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bayonet 意味



  • bogu is protective gear to protect players ' body in the japanese art of fencing , naginata (a long pole with a sharp curving sword ), and jukendo (the martial art using the bayonet ).
  • in navy , battles at close range using sharp weapons including swords , spears , bayonet drills , and knives and dull weapons such as bats were called hand-to-hand combat .
  • in navy , battles at close range using sharp weapons including swords , spears , bayonet drills , and knives and dull weapons such as bats were called hand-to-hand combat .
  • in the meiji era , the imperial japanese army (ija ) established jukenjutsu , a japanese style martial art using the bayonet (currently called jukendo ) based on the japanese traditional art of spearmanship ,
    明治時代に大日本帝国陸軍において、日本の伝統的な槍術を元に日本式の銃剣術(現 銃剣道)を制定した。
  • in 1921 , the ija also established tankenjutu (the martial art using a short sword , currently called tankendo ) based on kodachijutu at army toyama school , as a fighting style using a bayonet sword without being attached to the rifle part .
    1921年(大正10年)には陸軍戸山学校において、着剣(銃剣を銃に装着すること)していない状態の銃剣を用いた戦技として、小太刀術を元に短剣術(現 短剣道)も制定した。
  • the jukenjutsu of the former japanese army became jukendo (the martial art using the bayonet ), which is a kind of kyogi budo (athletic martial arts ) now and is performed as a training of combat techniques at the japan ground self-defense force (jgsdf ) together with the self-defense force 銃剣格闘 (bayonet drill and combat techniques ).
  • also , the appearance of bayonet drill is considered to have contributed much to this , but at the same time , during this period the operation of the cannon was dramatically improved and it still needs much revision to argue that only the exchange shooting of fusiliers transformed the battle line situation .
  • imperial japanese army established jukenjutsu (the martial art using the bayonet ) in nihon shiki (japanese style ) based on the traditional japanese art of the spearmanship including hozoin school and saburi school , and the french-style jukenjutsu , which had been performed to that day , was abolished and was replaced with the new style .
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