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gown 意味



  • she wasnt wearing her white gown , was she ?
    彼女 白衣を着てなかったよな?
  • chichi ! i can't die until you've put this wedding gown on !
    チチに この花嫁衣装 着せるまでは➡
  • get rid of her gown . she won't be needing it any longer .
    彼女のガウンを脱がせろ 彼女には必要がない
  • my mother wore this wedding gown when she became a bride .
    この打ち掛け 母が嫁いだ時のものなんです。
  • i should wear the armor and you the gown .
    私は鎧兜をつけ 貴方は寝巻きを
  • you're sure this is the original gown ?
    このガウンは確かに オリジナルか?
  • you were still in the paper clinic gown .
  • i'm chained to a gurney in a hospital gown
    ベッドに鎖 こんな格好で
  • she was in a great evening gown .
  • i was just trying on a gown for king joffrey's wedding .
    ジョフリー王の結婚式に 着ていくお召し物を試していました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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