I would never have given this information , unless we had worked together in vietnam . もちろん 君とはベトナムで共に戦った 戦友だから話している
I would never have given this information , unless we had worked together in vietnam . もちろん 君とはベトナムで共に戦った 戦友だから話している
The only memory she has from him are three bullet casings his comrade brought from foreign countries おばあちゃんの 唯一の記憶は - 戦友が持ってきた 3発の弾丸
The only memory she has from him are three bullet casings his comrade brought from foreign countries おばあちゃんの 唯一の記憶は - 戦友が持ってきた 3発の弾丸
He says , why don't you look up some of your old regiment , you know , see if one of the guys can ... help you out . 戦友を見捨てることは出来ない 君の力になりたいと
During his stay in toyohashi , he witnessed numerous fellow soldiers ' deaths , and he conceived a great anger to the war . この豊橋滞在時に空襲で多くの戦友たちの死を目の当たりにし、戦争に対する大きな憤りを抱く。
Especially , the involvement of kido and okubo , who had been brothers-in-arms with hirosawa after the satsuma-choshu alliance was concluded , was extremely unlikely . 特に薩長同盟締結以来、戦友関係にある木戸や大久保の関与は全く考えられない。