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  • However , the zen master hakuin worried about the practitioner who did too much mediation and suffered from a nervous breakdown (decrease in positive activity of the brain ), and gave the secret of naikan as a method of healing .
  • In addition , dokyo is believed to have learned and acquired a secret method of sukuyo (an astrology based on the sutra of constellations and planets ) of esoteric buddhism during his retreat in mt . katsuragi in yamato province (present-day nara prefecture ).
  • He initially learnt from denpoin matsumei of kofuku-ji temple , and then he learnt secret art of both kongokai (diamond realm ) and taizokai (womb realm ) from seison (or joson ) sozu (priest ) at ono mandara-ji temple (later day ' s zuishin-in temple ).
  • Fujimon school such as nichiren sho sect preaches that people can become a buddha by remembering (and honoring ) the teachings of buddha by having honzon (principal image of buddha ), one of sandaihiho (the three great secret dharmas ); even if they don ' t practice ryakko shugyo .
  • It is said that dokyo once cured retired empress koken by using a mystical rites of sukuyo (an esoteric buddhism astrology based on the sutra of constellations and planets , and an astrological doctrine of which was introduced from india ), and since then , the empress and dokyo had maintained a close relationship .
  • Shijoko nyorai is a butchouson who is the principal image of a method of prayer known as sijokoho - said to be the tendai sect ' s greatest secret (used when praying for the protection of the nation and the security of the emperor ), but this is the only temple in japan dedicated to this deity .
  • Traditionally , other schools of nichiren sect criticize the sect such as , the theory of ' imitation of the principle image (nichiren shoshu sect )' , one of ' nika sojo are forged documents ,' and one of ' sandaihiho-sho (commentary of the three great secret dharmas ) are a forged document theory .'
    日蓮宗の諸派は伝統的に、「本尊 (日蓮正宗)=偽作」説と「二箇相承=偽書」説、さらに「三大秘法抄=偽書説」等でこの宗派を批判してきた。
  • Moreover , buddhists respect the number three , such as three treasures , three studies and three secret processes so that the way of ' reciting the nichiren chant three times ' is used broadly at the beginning and end of buddhist religious services or memorial ceremonies as a means of showing respect to the main image .
  • As opposed to goko-han (五綱判 ) (shukyo-no-goka (宗教の五箇 )) , which focuses on the relative advantage of the sect as compared to other sects , sandaihiho is called shushi-no-sanka (宗旨の三箇 ) and is generally understood as a principle of transcending and resolving all conflicts from the viewpoint of absolute mercy .
  • According to the description ' if we remember the teachings of honzon (principal image of buddha ) this five characters of 妙法蓮華経 , we can natually receive pious act by sakyamuni .' , remembering the teachings of sandaihiho , the three great secret dharmas is the only precept in fujimon school such as nichiren sho sect , which is said to juji soku jikai .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4
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