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a council 意味

a councilの意味


  • april 1 , 2004: a council on municipal merger of tanba-cho , mizuho-cho (kyoto prefecture ), and wachi-cho was established .
    2004年4月1日、「丹波町・瑞穂町 (京都府)・和知町合併協議会」設立。
  • in august of the same year , daigaku asano was set free and became a hatamoto once again after receiving 500 koku and joined a council .
  • the wise masters of yunkai have agreed to cede power to a council of elders made up of both the freed men and the former slaveholders .
    ユンカイの賢者たちは同意し 解放奴隷と元奴隷所有者からなる評議会に 権力を譲りました
  • mimi delongpre , called a council and i performed the seven wonders and was unanimously proclaimed to be the true born heir of the supremacy .
    ミミ・ディロンブレね 会議に呼ばれて 七不思議を披露したら 満場一致で スプリームの後継者と
  • after that , having a council of war including ichiryo gusoku , the self-made rural samurai , they aimed to take complete control of awa province .
  • in 1896 he formed the shinpoto (progressive party ), and in 1897 set up a council for financial adjustment with saburo shimada .
    明治29年(1896年)には進歩党 (日本)を結成、明治30年(1897年)には島田三郎らと財政整理期成同盟会を組織する。
  • from that point on , the rank of shogun was held by a series of young boys , and the actual administration of the country was run by a council of powerful daimyo .
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