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a sword 意味

a swordの意味


  • is it a sword beast ? the killer who lost the lord
    で 刀獣ってのかい? 主を失った斬魄刀は➡
  • wearing a sword in this palace isn't permitted
    殿上での帯刀は 御法度にござりまするぞ。
  • it's not a sword , my prince . it's only a stick .
    それに剣じゃ有りません、王子様 ただの棒です
  • but the dimensions of the wound suggest a sword .
    傷口の大きさから 剣と推測される
  • and a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone .
    剣に砥石が要るように 私には本が要る
  • it is a holy sword , but is not a sword that is holy .
  • can you steal someone ' s heart by a sword ?'
  • he chopped the guy's head off with a sword !
    アイツはカタナで 人間の首を切ったのよ!
  • if you start the motion correctly and activate a sword skill
  • and the place you taught me how to use a sword
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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