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glaring 意味



  • why are they glaring ?
  • at one time , patrons came even to the dressing room to receive the glaring as an amulet .
  • danjuro of every generation have expressed the quality with a glaring , a skill of hereditary succession .
  • the actor gave them the glaring with kumadori (uniquely exaggerated makeup , drawing red and black lines ) of " shibaraku ," as is said .
  • when he gazed at people with his big , dark glaring eyes , even a brave and strong man like kirino held his tongue and did not say anything .
  • partly due to the fact that the main character is a fox , this section startles audiences by glaring staging called keren (playing to the gallery ) such as quick change from a samurai to fox , walking on a parapet , a midair stunt (kabuki staging technique ) and a sudden appearance of tadanobu kitsune .
  • in the explosive atmosphere as the retainers of both clans were glaring at each other at the sunakaburi (lit . sand-covered seats ) right next to the ring with their hands on their swords hilts , and the referee inosuke shikimori ' s face white as a sheet , both wrestlers fought and after the referee called matta (false start of a match ) twice and mizuiri (break granted to wrestlers during a prolonged match ) twice , the match ended in a draw .
  • also it is said that the tesso was got rid of by a big cat which appeared by the power of buddhism of a high priest at mt . hiei; and , against ' nezumi no miya ' at onjo-ji temple , ' neko no miya ' (the shrine sacred to cat goblin ) was built at sakamoto , sakamoto-go , shiga-gun , omi province (presently sakamoto , otsu city , shiga prefecture ) known as the monzen-machi (a temple town ) of enryaku-ji temple , as if it were glaring down enjo-ji temple , which has been made known today .
    あるいはまた鉄鼠は、比叡山で高僧の法力で現れた大猫に退治されたともいわれ、園城寺の「鼠の宮」に対して大猫を祀った「猫の宮」が、延暦寺の門前町として知られる近江国滋賀郡坂本郷の坂本(現・滋賀県大津市坂本 (大津市))に、園城寺の方を睨みつけるように建てられ、今日に伝わっている。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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