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makeshift 意味



  • however , there is a theory that says the makeshift palace was for himself .
  • such a makeshift condition ...
  • he arranged for us to meet other couples in their makeshift photo studio .
    彼は仮設スタジオで カップルに会えるように手配してくれました
  • yeah , he's setting up a makeshift interrogation over at empire right now .
    アア 彼は その場しのぎの取り調べです エンパイアもお仕舞だ
  • i set up a makeshift portrait studio by the barricades on hrushevsky street .
    私はフルシェフスキー通りの バリケード沿いに仮設スタジオを作り
  • yes so , we'll take what we salvaged from the beach ... and we'll make makeshift scuba tanks .
    よろしい それに空気を溜める
  • if your engine dies , you can use them as a makeshift rudder or to rescue a man overboard .
    エンジンが故障したら これで舵を取れます
  • guess we gotta do it ... it's boring if we're just used as some makeshift taxi .
    ふっ... しゃあねえな。 こっちも タクシー代わりに使われるだけじゃ
  • rather than a carefully prepared national policy , this was the one to makeshift .
  • most rickshaw wallahs live in makeshift dorms , trying to save money to send home .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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