921 and 924 trains ' kisei main line overnight train ' nanki ,' ' hayatama ' and ' taikobo train ' ' ; kameyama station (mie prefecture ) - tennoji station (via the kisei main line ); running distance (operation kilometers ): 442 .2 km 921・924列車「紀勢本線紀勢本線夜行列車「南紀」・「はやたま」、&quot太公望列車"」 亀山駅 (三重県)~天王寺駅(紀勢本線経由)間運行 同上442.2km
921 and 924 trains ' kisei main line overnight train ' nanki ,' ' hayatama ' and ' taikobo train ' ' ; kameyama station (mie prefecture ) - tennoji station (via the kisei main line ); running distance (operation kilometers ): 442 .2 km 921・924列車「紀勢本線紀勢本線夜行列車「南紀」・「はやたま」、"太公望列車&quot」 亀山駅 (三重県)~天王寺駅(紀勢本線経由)間運行 同上442.2km
Circa 1585 he was told to change his name back from masuhide to ujisato by hideyoshi hashiba , the strongman at that time , who felt disrespected in the first character " hide " of his own name (hide-yoshi ) being the second character in masu-hide . なお、松ヶ島時代(天正13年(1585年)頃)に賦秀から氏郷と名乗りを改めているが、これは当時の実力者だった羽柴&quot秀"吉の名乗りの一字を下に置く『賦秀』という名が不遜であろうという気配りからであった。
Circa 1585 he was told to change his name back from masuhide to ujisato by hideyoshi hashiba , the strongman at that time , who felt disrespected in the first character " hide " of his own name (hide-yoshi ) being the second character in masu-hide . なお、松ヶ島時代(天正13年(1585年)頃)に賦秀から氏郷と名乗りを改めているが、これは当時の実力者だった羽柴"秀&quot吉の名乗りの一字を下に置く『賦秀』という名が不遜であろうという気配りからであった。
However also in the field of physics , " the issue of observation " started being discussed more deeply even at the level of substance since quantum mechanics has been developed , and the concept of " the objective observation " has become unstable from this point of view as well . しかし、物理学の領域においても、量子力学の発展以降は、物質レベルでも、さらに根深い次元で「観測問題」が扱われるようになり、&quot客観的な観察"というものが、この点からも揺らいでいる。
However also in the field of physics , " the issue of observation " started being discussed more deeply even at the level of substance since quantum mechanics has been developed , and the concept of " the objective observation " has become unstable from this point of view as well . しかし、物理学の領域においても、量子力学の発展以降は、物質レベルでも、さらに根深い次元で「観測問題」が扱われるようになり、"客観的な観察&quotというものが、この点からも揺らいでいる。
The matsuda clan , the ise clan , and the like as well as the toyota clan , the retainers of the gohojo clan from the very beginning of its foundation , were dispatched to the kanto district from the capital and given a preferential treatment there , and probably came to know each other as acquaintances or colleagues during that period of service . 遠山氏と同じく&quot関東に下向して重用された、松田氏、伊勢氏ら創業時からの後北条氏家臣ら"は、この時期の関係者・仲間と思われる。
The matsuda clan , the ise clan , and the like as well as the toyota clan , the retainers of the gohojo clan from the very beginning of its foundation , were dispatched to the kanto district from the capital and given a preferential treatment there , and probably came to know each other as acquaintances or colleagues during that period of service . 遠山氏と同じく"関東に下向して重用された、松田氏、伊勢氏ら創業時からの後北条氏家臣ら&quotは、この時期の関係者・仲間と思われる。