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predicament 意味



  • and it got me thinking about you and your sister's predicament .
    医師を誘惑した女性の話を聞いた そして君と君の妹の
  • just because you're in a predicament , don't be taking it out on me .
    何 ちょっと自分たちが ピンチだからって仏に
  • i understand your predicament .
    事情は よく分かりました
  • never mind your selfmade predicament and watch the subject , idiot !
    勝手に ピンチつくってないで 対象者 見てろ バカ!
  • oh my , this is a predicament .
    おやおや これは大変だ
  • i was suddenly attacked and found myself in that dreadful predicament ...
    急に襲われて 恐ろしい目に...。 あっ...。
  • you see , there's our predicament .
  • and what predicament is that ?
  • does it make you feel responsible for harvey dent's current predicament ? where is he ?
    心底 すまないと感じるかね?
  • i thought that of anyone , you'd be a little more understanding of my predicament .
    君なら私のこの苦境を 分かってくれると思った
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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