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unconditional 意味



  • we have unconditional orders
    「我々は このバリケードを破壊する―
  • unconditional , real , intense love .
    無条件 情熱的な愛
  • the unconditional love of family .
  • a mother's love is unconditional .
  • if and when peeta is liberated , he will receive a full and unconditional pardon .
    ピータを解放する時は 無条件の恩赦を与えて下さい
  • compassion , which i would define as unconditional love ... is central to a jedi's life .
    でも思いやりは これは無条件の愛だと思うけど ジェダイの生活の中心だ
  • after the unconditional surrender in 1945 , it was abolished by the general headquarters of the supreme commander of the allied powers (ghq/scap ).
  • given the seriousness of these events and after careful consideration it is the grim duty of this council to demand your immediate unconditional abdication as supreme of this coven .
    これらの重大事件の発生と 慎重な考慮の結果 本諮問会のあなたに対する 厳しい要求は
  • despite her " kimi shinitamou koto nakare " fame , she was not an unconditional anti-war and anti-emperor activist; she also criticized marxism-leninism that was introduced as " labor-peasantism " at that time .
  • this incident ended up in the matter of the involved countries ' power and footing at that time , and with the outstanding power of france , japan had no choice but to accept the unconditional requests , but at the same time , it was true that japan ' s primitive action using a gun instead of a rope frightened off foreign countries .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3
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