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  • While i'm being rude , let me say one more thing .
    失礼だろう! 失礼ついでに言わせていただく
  • Because the consolation fee was also plentiful , hey
    慰謝料も ふんだくったんだから ねえ~
  • And so what i have to share with you today
    私が これから皆さんと 共有させていただくお話も
  • So with that , let me just show you a quick video
  • Launch and propagation of a charter for compassion
  • Avery , ctoc just got back to us on your print .
    売春に 2度の飲酒運転 飲んだくれだ
  • I will take your energy while you are dreaming .
    夢見てる間に エナジーをいただくわよ
  • When i was a kid , i snuck into my mother's bedroom .
    お袋は裸だった 一晩中飲んだくれてて
  • Managing director hane , will take over as your successor .
  • I can't simply ... i've still got so much to do ...
    だくたばれない やることがいっぱいある
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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