after yoritomo ' s death in 1199 , yoshitoki joined a council system that consisted of 13 members , and aided the second shogun , minamoto no yoriie . 正治元年(1199年)の頼朝の死後、十三人の合議制に加わり、2代将軍となった源頼家を補佐する。
in the next year 1864 , yoshikatsu was ordered to take place in a council formed by the experienced people of the lord of the major domain (actually refused ). 翌元治元年(1864年)に慶勝は雄藩の藩主経験者からなる参預会議への参加を命じられる(実際には辞退)。
in the night of february 21 when all the battalions had successively arrived at kawajiri , the satsuma army , having been unexpectedly attacked by kumamoto garrison , held a council of war . 熊本鎮台からの攻撃を予想していなかった薩軍は、相次いで大隊が川尻に到着した21日夜、川尻で軍議を開いた。
abe ' s efforts , however , resulted only in the spreading popularity of a " parliamentary regime " that utilized a council system , inevitably weakening the shogunate . これ以降は国政を幕府ではなく合議制で決定しようという「公議政体論」の考えだけが広がり、幕府の権威を下げるものであった。
the tosando-gun army of the new government , which had advanced to sumpu , decided at a council of war on march 29 to launch a full-scale attack on edo castle on april 7 and began preparing for it . 駿府に進軍した新政府の東海道軍は、3月6日の軍議において江戸城総攻撃を3月15日と定め、準備を始めた。
yodo demanded that the government be comprised of a council of feudal lords with the tokugawa clan at its center instead of a parliamentary regime with the emperor at its center as was previously decided . 先ほど天皇を中心とする公議政体の政府を会議で決定したことに対して、徳川氏を中心とする列侯会議の政府を要求した。
january: " shodan kakushin kyogikai " (literally , a council to innovate calligraphic society in japan ) was established (refer to the item of " alignment and realignment of calligraphic bodies - before the war " ). 1月、「書壇革新協議会」結成(参考:書道団体の離合集散(戦前))。
january: " shodan kakushin kyogikai " (literally , a council to innovate calligraphic society in japan ) was established (refer to the item of " alignment and realignment of calligraphic bodies - before the war " ). 1月、「書壇革新協議会」結成(参考:書道団体の離合集散(戦前))。
hideyoshi toyotomi established a council system of gotairo to support his son hideyori in case of his death , expecting the five members to balance each other to prevent the possible emergence of ieyasu tokugawa . 豊臣秀吉は己の死後、その息子・豊臣秀頼を五大老が補佐し、合議制をとることにより徳川家康の台頭を防ごうと考えていた。