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a sword 意味

a swordの意味


  • perhaps the gods need a sword of their own .
    神々にも自らの剣が 必要なのではないか
  • a sword can be used again after it's been mended
    刀は鍛えりゃ また使えるが 人間は そうはいかんぞ。
  • you can't protect anything with a sword like that .
    そんな剣では 何も護ることなど できはせんわ!
  • boy , girl you are a sword , that is all .
    男、女... お前さんは、剣だ それだけだ
  • words mean very little to a man with a sword .
    剣を持つ男には 言葉は些細なものだ
  • you are so coward as to draw a sword against goriki .'
  • benizakura is a sword forged by my father , jintetsu
    実は 先代の...! つまり 私の父ですが➡
  • in some dances a fan is used along with a sword .
  • born as the second son of a sword craftsman family .
  • woah , i've never seen a sword like that ...
    すげえ... こんな刀 見たことねえ。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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