at first , shigeyoshi served hideyoshi toyotomi and became dewa no kami , then he studied in ming to learn arithmetic . 当初、豊臣秀吉に仕えて出羽守となり、明に留学して算術を学ぶ。
terakoya was a school for ordinary people , and the three r ' s (reading , writing and arithmetic ) were taught there . 寺子屋は、庶民のための学校で、読み、書き、算を教えた。
he played an active role in the accounting of expenses for the group as an accountant , utilizing his skills at arithmetic . 得意の算術を活かし、勘定方として、隊費の経理面で活躍。
the study of integral equations and arithmetic was further developed by inheriting the tradition of chinese mathematics . 整数方程式や整数論では中国数学の伝統を引き継ぎ、さらに深い研究が進んだ。
at a young age , nakamaro learned arithmetic from abe no sukunamaro , dainagon (the chief councilor of the state ), and showed excellent academic ability . 年少にして大納言・安倍宿奈麻呂に算術を学び、すぐれた学才を示した。