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arithmetic 意味



  • i am not tutored in warfare , but basic arithmetic favors the side with the greater numbers .
    戦争の専門家ではないが 数的に優位なほうが有利です
  • well , i can't argue with basic arithmetic . you don't find that disgusting ? i think you want me to .
    私は大人同士の同意の上の 取引としか見てない
  • so , anyway , the analysts are trying something called modulo2 arithmetic , which sounds very cool .
    分析官がモジュール2の 演算を試してる かっこいいよな
  • yoshitaka senbon , " secondary arithmetic textbook " , kofukan shoten , october 28 , 1913 .
  • yoshitaka senbon , " secondary arithmetic textbook: instruction notes " , kofukan shoten , 1914 .
  • at first , shigeyoshi served hideyoshi toyotomi and became dewa no kami , then he studied in ming to learn arithmetic .
  • terakoya was a school for ordinary people , and the three r ' s (reading , writing and arithmetic ) were taught there .
  • he played an active role in the accounting of expenses for the group as an accountant , utilizing his skills at arithmetic .
  • the study of integral equations and arithmetic was further developed by inheriting the tradition of chinese mathematics .
  • at a young age , nakamaro learned arithmetic from abe no sukunamaro , dainagon (the chief councilor of the state ), and showed excellent academic ability .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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