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decorate 意味



  • it is honorable master medley filled with hope to decorate the opening .
    オープニングを飾るのは 希望に溢れた名曲メドレーです。
  • someone likes to decorate .
  • some people build houses , some people decorate them , some people clean them .
    建築する人もいれば 飾る人もいる 掃除の人もいるわ
  • it is the spot to decorate kakejiku (hanging scroll ) or ikebana (flower arrangement ).
  • the hanabishi pattern is also used to decorate metal fittings on japanese furniture .
  • the doorbell's gonna be ringing , and we still have to decorate the bobbing station .
    ドアのベルが鳴ったら 飾り付けを始めよう
  • in some regions , people decorate it with tools deeply related to sericulture .
  • i wonder . i only want to make a smell that is not used to decorate oneself .
    どうかな 私はただ自分を飾るためじゃない匂いを作りたいの
  • i'm going to make a whole bunch of these and then decorate the walls and windows !
    こういうのをいっぱい作って 壁や窓に飾るんです。
  • 33 years old when he was tapped to decorate 12 ,000 square feet of ceiling
    1,100平方メートルある天井の装飾を 依頼された時は33歳でした
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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