so we're just supposed to get used to working above a makeshift prison housing evil people with superpowers . これからこんな超人犯罪者の 上で仕事をするわけ?
however , he came to stay at the makeshift palace even on sunday after about one month passed since he left his parents 一ヵ月を過ぎるころから日曜も東宮仮御所で過ごすようになった。
in a sense of crisis , rokuhara tandai invited the then-emperor kogon to rokuhara , which he had designated as a makeshift palace . 危機感を覚えたのか六波羅は、時の天皇光厳帝を六波羅に迎え六波羅を仮御所とした。
they worked in the whole town or village , and they were also called tokoya because they did business at a makeshift salon called toko . 彼らは町や村単位で抱えられ、床と呼ばれる仮店で商売を行ったため床屋とも呼ばれる。
the rest of the leaders established the naimusho (japan ' s ministry of the interior ) under okubo ' s initiative to readjust the makeshift and chaotic political reforms thus far made . 残った要人は、急速かつ無秩序に行われたこれまでの制度改革を整理すべく大久保を中心に内務省 (日本)を設置。
he left his parents on march 29 , 1936 at the age of two , raised by togu-fuikukan (a tutor in charge of the crown prince ) at the makeshift palace established on the premises of state guest house . 昭和11年(1936年)3月29日、満2歳で両親のもとを離れ、迎賓館構内の東宮仮御所で東宮傅育官によって育てられる。
takamono (literally ' high thing ' ) are so called because , in contrast with korobi or sanzun selling on the ground , they were big makeshift buildings (theaters ) with stages and floors . 高物(たかもの)は転びや三寸が地面で商売するのに対し、大掛かりに仮設建築として床を持つ小屋を作る(見世物小屋)舞台や床などがあるのでこのように呼ばれる。
the retired emperor goshirakawa , who was enthroned as a makeshift emperor until emperor nijo , was not powerful enough as the leader of a retired emperor ' s administration , and the power of the sekkan-regent families was almost lost as a result of hogen disturbance . 元々二条天皇の中継ぎとして即位していた後白河上皇は院としての権威が弱く保元の乱で摂関家の権威は地に落ちた。
to keep people from losing count , the temple or shrine stacks up one hundred pebbles , twisted paper strings , bamboo skewers or the like , which supplicants take one at a time and place by the main hall , counting by using these hundred pebbles , etc . as a sort of makeshift abacus . 回数を間違えないように、小石やこより、竹串などを百個用意しておいて参拝のたびに拝殿・本堂に1個ずつ置いたり、百度石に備えつけられているそろばん状のもので数を数えたりする。
however , since remains that are thought to be a ' makeshift imperial palace ' to invite the emperor was discovered in azuchi-jo castle recently and since nobunaga himself requested arbitration from the emperor for the battles with nagamasa asai and yoshikage asakura , and ishiyama war , nobunaga did not intend to put an end to the emperor . しかし近年では、天皇を招くための「仮の御所」と思われる遺跡が安土城内部で発見されていることや、信長自身も浅井長政、朝倉義景との戦いや石山合戦では天皇に仲裁を求めたりしていることから、信長には天皇を廃する意思がなかった。