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to code 意味

to codeの意味


  • lastly , i had to code a smartphone app that would essentially transform
    最後に 介護者のスマホを 遠隔モニターに変えられる―
  • to code in 2012 .
    プログラミングを覚えると 述べていました
  • for evolution to code in .
  • and i also had to learn about how to code for bluetooth low energy devices
    Blutoothの低エネルギーデバイスの ためのコード化を
  • and i also had to learn about how to code for bluetooth low energy devices
    blutoothの低エネルギーデバイスの ためのコード化を
  • i don't want this place repainted or updated . i don't even want it brought up to code .
    「塗り替えも、改装も 運営法も変えてはならぬ」
  • well , there are marshals and administrators to make sure everything's done according to code , but still ...
    司令官がいる そして管理者も 全てが規則に従って行う でも...
  • this boy , as you call him , has already hacked into both darpa and the dod , after having taught himself how to code .
    高等研究企画庁と国防総省は もうハッキングした 符号化する方法を独学した後に
  • elijah was such an inquisitive child , loved building things , taught himself to code when he was 12 .
    イライジャは 何でも知りたがる子で 物を作ることが大好きで 12歳の時には コーディングを 独学で学んでいました
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4
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