you'll notice behind me here , an array of large machinery but rest assured , it is state of the art up to the latest environmental codes and standards . 背後に多くの大型機械が 見えますが どうか安心を 環境条例と現在の水準を満たす 最先端技術の結晶
however , in " kyogyoshinsho ," shinran provides a detailed explanations with citations not only from buddhist scriptures , but also from a vast array of books . それに対して、『教行信証』は仏典だけでなく多くの典籍を引用することで詳説されている。
just as a single storyteller uses a variety of verbal communication styles to differentiate between the characters as dictated by the story , an array of gestures are also used to convey the various characters . 仕草においても言葉同様、一人全役が原則であり、噺家は必要に応じて次々にさまざまな役のさまざまな仕草を仕分ける。
the first major step mandated under the new law was to unite the vast array of separate public and private surveillance cameras throughout our nation into a single network the optical defense intelligence network , named odin . 新しい法律の下 民間および公共の監視カメラが 相互接続され 情報管理が一元化され
an array of sculptures were produced by buddhist sculptors from the kei school , who were esteemed highly by chogen in the revival period of the kamakura era , and they are regarded as very important today together with those from the kofuku-ji temple . また、鎌倉時代の復興期には、重源に重用された慶派の仏師による彫像群が造られ、興福寺のとともに、大変に重要視されている。
in the latter half of the edo period , as the japanese became aware of the trends affecting foreign countries , it became clear that the shogun ' s samurai retainers would not be able to master the bewildering array of specialized fields by themselves . 江戸期後半になって諸外国の動向が伝わって来るにつけ、武士である幕臣だけではさまざまな専門分野に対応できなかった。
amongst wagashi , there is a sub-category called manufactured confectionary where the product is particularly exquisite and this product is made of edible ingredients used in making wagashi but , express an array of traditional japanese themes related to the beauty of nature . 特に精巧に作られる工芸菓子と呼ばれる分野もあり、食用可能な和菓子の材料で花鳥風月の世界を表現する。
as opposed to mt . omine-san in yamato (nara prefecture ), it is also called ' kita omine ' (north omine ), a sacred place of mountain worship , and even today there is a gyoba (ascetic practice place ), with its array of strange rocks and bizarre stones . 大和(奈良県)の大峯山に対し「北大峯」と称された、山岳信仰の霊地であり、山内には現在も奇岩怪石が連なる行場(ぎょうば)がある。
suichu used in sado tea ceremony do not occur in a wide array of variations; however , in the sencha tea service , there are a diverse array of forms , including ' gourd shaped ,' ' tube shaped ,' ' square ' and ' peach shaped ' types . 茶道の水注は余りバラエティに富んでないのに対し、煎茶道のそれは「瓜式」「筒式」「四方式」「桃型」など形状は多種多様である。
suichu used in sado tea ceremony do not occur in a wide array of variations; however , in the sencha tea service , there are a diverse array of forms , including ' gourd shaped ,' ' tube shaped ,' ' square ' and ' peach shaped ' types . 茶道の水注は余りバラエティに富んでないのに対し、煎茶道のそれは「瓜式」「筒式」「四方式」「桃型」など形状は多種多様である。