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band 意味



  • look what we can achieve when we band together .
    我々の団結で 成し遂げることができる
  • hey , excuse me . do you know where the band is ?
    ねぇ どこか食べ物があるところ知ってるかな?
  • stop calling us names . why do you call us a band ?
    そんな呼び方をするな 何故俺達が徒党だ?
  • but if we band together , we could work millions !
    だが皆が手を組めば 数億を稼げる
  • for the latest rock band to die in our town .
    私たちの町で亡くなった ロックバンドの為に
  • isn't that what being in a band is supposed to be ?
  • were the ones that had a metal band on their wing
  • that's me in a downtown nightclub with this band .
    ダウンタウンで バンドを組んでた
  • kesadasukimon dotaku (ritual bell with crossed band design )
  • he had a dixieland jazz band when we were growing up
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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