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bath 意味



  • this is my first time taking a bath with my friends !
    私 お友達と お風呂に入るの初めて。
  • let's all go outdoor hot spring bath . eh ! what ?
    みんなで 露天風呂 行こうって。 えっ!?
  • it's got a bed and a bath
  • gonna start a turkish bath . see , back in the ottoman empire
  • how about some hot tea and a bath as an apology ?
    お詫びに 熱いお茶とお風呂はいかが
  • when sinestro throw him into a bath of acid .
    「シネストロ」が 酸の風呂に彼を投げた時、
  • ten gallons ? what , you plan on taking a bath in it ?
    37リットルだぞ 風呂に入るのか?
  • act two: shibaiburo shibaiburo (drama in the public bath )
  • oh , what have we here , a romantic bubble bath ?
    あらロマンティックに 泡風呂でも?
  • in a 41 .3 deg c bath as soon as possible .
    寒い 寒い 寒い。 早く41.3°Cのお風呂に浸かりたい。
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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