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decorate 意味



  • to decorate solemnly inside of butsudan with butsugu is called shogon .
  • if i become the manager i want to decorate my customer's hearts in a happy pink !
    お客さんのハートを ハッピーピンクにデコっちゃいたいです。
  • if i only had some kind of party cannon that could decorate everything super fast .
    もしパーティキャノンがあったら... チョー早く飾り付けできるのになあ
  • i'll take this little tree home and decorate it and i'll show them it really will work in our play .
    これをうまく飾れば 立派に舞台の一部になる
  • this is originated from " 荘厳 " (shogon , to decorate buddha statues and temples ) in buddhism .
  • one more word out of you , just one and i will decorate that wall with the insides of your head .
    一言でもしゃべれば... 頭をぶち抜いて壁に 脳みそをまき散らすぞ!
  • it is believed to originate from the custom to decorate a hand-made doll in place of the hina dolls .
  • imagine the mileage you would get if you could decorate your front porch with divine cheery pumpkins .
    想像してみて下さい 表のポーチに 可愛いカボチャで ─ 飾ることができたらって
  • in many regions , people decorate or eat it at an event of sagicho (ritual bonfire of new year ' s decorations ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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