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hot pot 意味

hot potの意味


  • although mizutaki is often said to have its origin in a local dish of hakata , hot pot of chicken had existed nationwide from the edo period , and became popular as chicken pot (fowl cooked in a flat pan ) from the meiji period .
  • although mizutaki is often said to have its origin in a local dish of hakata , hot pot of chicken had existed nationwide from the edo period , and became popular as chicken pot (fowl cooked in a flat pan ) from the meiji period .
  • it originates from the gyumeshi , a bowl of rice topped with gyunabe (japanese hot pot with beef and vegetables ), that was invented for the common people during the meiji period when the beef eating culture spread in the movement for civilization and enlightenment .
  • the specialty here is " yuzu " (a kind of citrus fruit ), with several households in the business of providing tourists with " yuzuburo " (a bath with pieces of yuzu in it ) and the dish " mizutaki " (a hot pot with chicken and vegetables ), using local tanba chicken as one of its ingredients;
  • however it did not become popular as a dish in the general public probably because it uses beef and potatoes which were not yet familiar to the japanese those days (gyunabe (japanese hot pot with beef and vegetables ) was for eating out and yamatoni was canned food , both of which were not home cooking ).
  • in " agra nabe " (which means , sitting cross-legged around hot pot , eat food and talk frankly ) written by robun kanagaki , he said , " you are a dinosaur not eating beef hot pot !" which satirically describe the changing cultural habit of japanese people even among the general public .
  • in " agra nabe " (which means , sitting cross-legged around hot pot , eat food and talk frankly ) written by robun kanagaki , he said , " you are a dinosaur not eating beef hot pot !" which satirically describe the changing cultural habit of japanese people even among the general public .
  • in older times , particularly prior to the edo period , tuna meat was represented by lean meat , whereas toro , which goes sour more quickly than lean meat , was regarded as an insignificant material and discarded , or , if any , tasted as heated meat in a hot pot featuring tuna meat and spring onions (negima nabe ).
  • it is not a common soba dish but , in the nagawa area of matsumoto city , nagano prefecture , there is an unusual way of eating soba known as ' nagano-ken ' (nagano prefecture ) (see nagano prefecture under regional specialty soba around the country discussed later ), a shabu-shabu like hot pot in which soba is dipped to eat .
  • beijing has a mutton hot pot dish known as ' shuan yang rou ,' and this is said to have developed into modern shabu-shabu after being introduced to japan following the world war ii by tottori city native shoya yoshida , leader of the mingei (folk art ) movement , who was stationed in beijing as an army medic during the war and introduced it at his nijudanya restaurant in kyoto , changing the main ingredient from mutton to beef , and receiving the input of individuals such as; sosetsu yanagi and kanjiro kawai .
    北京の火鍋料理に「羊肉(シュワンヤンロウ, ピンイン:shuàn yáng ròu)」という羊肉でしゃぶしゃぶする料理があり、鳥取市出身で民芸運動の指導者であった吉田璋也が、戦後 京都 十二段家で戦時中に軍医として赴任していた北京の料理を我が国に伝え、羊肉を牛肉に替え、柳宗悦や河井寛次郎等の助言を得て今日の形となったという。
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