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lair 意味



  • and whatever it was must have realized that its lair was about to be compromised with this zone being reopened .
    とにかくそれは―― 地区再開で もうここはダメだと知った
  • now , if you come across a hide or lair , your first priority is to drop the thermite pack and fall back immediately
    もし痕跡や隠れ場を 見つけたら まずテルミットパックを 放り込んで
  • gee , you could've called before you invited five , six ... seven assassins down into our topsecret lair .
    なんてこと、サラ、 電話してよ、連れてくる前に... 5、6、7 暗殺者が下りて来てる、 極秘の隠れ家に
  • ibaraki doji was a heian-period oni (a mythical creature resembling a demon or ogre ) who supposedly went on a rampage in kyoto from his lair on mt . oe .
  • if the sinner doesn't confess his sins , if he doesn't repent then zachariah will drag them down into his ghastly lair to suffer with him in black darkness for all eternity .
    罪を犯した者が その罪を告白しなければ 罪を悔いなければ ザッカライアは 幽霊の穴に引きずり込んで
  • we left the lair because the foot were taking hostages and we kicked some serious butt , and there was this girl named april o'neil who took our picture , but we took care of it .
    フット団が人質を取っていたから 隠れ家を離れました 何人かのお尻を本気で蹴って エイプリル・オニールという名の 女の子がいました
  • the group , dressed as mountain monks , received the help of all manner of people on their journey until they successfully infiltrated shuten doji ' s lair by posing as travelers seeking lodging for the night .
  • the lair of shuten doji and his gang was on mt . oe (which is generally thought to have been located in tanba province , but a competing theory holds that " mt . oe " in fact refers to the mt . oe on the border of the modern-day cities of kyoto and kameoka ); according to legend , they committed various outrages , for example kidnapping the children of noblemen in kyoto , until they were laid low by minamoto no yorimitsu and his four retainers (known as " yorimitsu ' s four heavenly warriors " ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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