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unable to 意味

unable toの意味


  • while your feelings over being unable to comprehend
    受験の結果に納得出来ない あなたの気持ちが
  • they are unable to recognize most of the objects
  • that are unethical or unable to solve problems ?
  • sign a lengthy consent form that they are unable to read
    長文の承諾書に サインさせるのは
  • she was unable to tell me the names of the drugs
    治験に使われた 薬の名前を訊いても
  • on people we'd been unable to locate for years .
  • have been unable to regain control of the system ...
    今のところシステムの 制御を回復する...
  • and so he was unable to earn enough to put food on the table
  • yes . just like you , unable to do anything ...
    そう あなたのように 何もできない
  • yes . just like you , unable to do anything ...
    そう あなたのように 何もできない
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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