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a raid 意味

a raidの意味


  • nobunaga pretended to accept the proposal , but when just as about half of the rebels left gansho-ji temple , made a raid on them .
  • oh , i don't know , but the rapid response team is about to conduct a raid , and that tv reporter is getting in the way .
    わからない でも 緊急行動チームが 急襲しようとしてるところで 例のテレビレポーターが邪魔してるんだ
  • on the night of the next day , 6th , the prefectural office made a raid on a camp where ringleaders of the uprising stayed , and arrested them .
  • when a raid goes down , the d .e .a . agent arrests the dealers , and then they process the cash and the drugs that have been seized .
    DEA捜査官が ディーラーを逮捕して 押収した現金と麻薬を 処理する過程で盗むのよ
  • when a raid goes down , the d .e .a . agent arrests the dealers , and then they process the cash and the drugs that have been seized .
    dea捜査官が ディーラーを逮捕して 押収した現金と麻薬を 処理する過程で盗むのよ
  • being sure that kozukenosuke would be at home on this date , kuranosuke oishi decided to make a raid on kira ' s residence on the date .
  • kuranosuke thought it was reliable information and decided that january 30 , 1703 was going to be the day when they would make a raid .
    内蔵助は確かな情報と判断し、この日12月14日 (旧暦)(1703年1月30日)を討ち入りの日と決定した。
  • it is about conversations between lord matsuura , who is expecting a raid , and kikaku takarai and gengo otaka , with whom matsuura is acquainted through haiku .
  • he was in costumes for a raid and appeared differently from yesterday , and he was pleased to learn `takara bune ,' which he recited , was understood .
  • on january 26 , 1160 , the forces of fujiwara no nobuyori and minamoto no yoshitomo carried out a raid on the sanjo palace , an old palace of the retired emperor goshirakawa .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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