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a term 意味

a termの意味


  • that's a term that i coined a few years ago
    数年前 私が造った言葉です
  • tenshu as a term will be described in the following items .
  • one can say that to use such a term per se is snobbish .
  • of sprezzatura , which is a term coined by castiglione
    「故意の不注意」が必要です カスティリオーネが 著書 ―
  • there is a term called affordances .
  • six grand a term , you'd expect them to keep the kids safe for you .
    学費が高い分 完璧に安全なはず
  • we often use a term called bylaws .
  • now , that's a term coined by the institute of medicine .
    「全ての細胞には性がある」 ということが分っています
  • now , it's a term called predictive policing
    さて 予測警備とか
  • they got a term for it . it's called daynight confusion .
    "昼夜混同"と言う (デイ・ナイト・コンフュージョン)
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4  5
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