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like so many 意味

like so manyの意味


  • but like so many theories that marx arrived at
    でも 大英博物館の読書室に通いつめて
  • craster will serve us up like so many pigs .
  • melted together like so many candles .
    溶かしてひとつにしたのだ 無数のロウソクのように
  • like so many other geniuses , unappreciated in his life ...
    他の才人同様 無駄に才能を...
  • as an art buyer at macy's , and like so many people
  • and like so many other cases , he looked me in the eye
    それまでの患者と同じように その人も私の目を見て
  • so rio , like so many cities across the global south
    リオデジャネイロは グローバル・サウスの多くの都市同様
  • so rio , like so many cities across the global south
    リオデジャネイロは グローバル・サウスの多くの都市同様
  • but like so many projects for children
    実はよくある 子供向けに見せかけた
  • like so many north american sorts of things
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3  4
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