and , like so many around him , a drugaddled and absent father . 近所の多くの子どもと同様 父親は麻薬漬けで 不在がちでした
like so many other of my peers . その時代の産物なのです
up until today , i believed that he died in the war ... like so many others . 今日まで戦争で死んだと... みんなが
up until today , i believed that he died in the war ... like so many others . 今日まで戦争で死んだと... みんなが
i wasn't just some mindless consumer like so many of my socalled friends . わたしの友人達みたいな 思慮の無い消費者じゃなかった... .
like so many of you . 少し違います
like so many other creatures around the world , are losing their habitats . だからこそ とても悲しいのは チンパンジーはじめ 世界中の動物が生息地を失いつつあることです
anyone or anything that tries to hurt them gets burned away to nothing like so many candles . 誰であれ、なんであれ 彼らを殺そうとするものを 焼きつくして... すべてを...
well , hazel grace , like so many before you ... and listen , i say this with the utmost of affection ... you used your wish moronically . よし ヘイゼル 何度も言ったけど 聞いてくれ 君を思って言うが― 愚かな『願い』を使った
well , hazel grace , like so many before you ... and listen , i say this with the utmost of affection ... you used your wish moronically . よし ヘイゼル 何度も言ったけど 聞いてくれ 君を思って言うが― 愚かな『願い』を使った