$3 million has been allotted for research. 300 意味
- 万ドルが研究費に当てられている
- million million n. 百万, 多数, 無数. 【動詞+】 add $25 million to the pool その共同の資金に 2,500
- has {人名} : ハス
- allotted allotted adj. [?lɑtid] 【形】 割り当てられた,分配された ~ money 割当金/ in the ~
- 300 300 三百 さんびゃく
- has been {名} :
- has been {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} :
- has-been has-been n. 《口語》 盛りの過ぎた人. 【形容詞 名詞+】 His company folded, to join the other high-tech has-beens. 会社がつぶれて彼もまたハイテク時代に取り残された者の 1 人になった one of life's has-beens 人生の盛りを過ぎた人の 1 人 The hall
- all that has been published 既刊分{きかん ぶん}
- as has been done in the past 今までそうであったように
- as has been mentioned すでに述べたように
- as has been previously described 前述{ぜんじゅつ}のように
- as has been the pattern 従来{じゅうらい}どおり
- as has often been noted 繰り返し指摘されてきたように
- as it always has been in the past これまでどおりに、従来{じゅうらい}どおりに
- as soon as it has been processed それが処理{しょり}され次第{しだい}