humble humble v. 謙虚にする; はずかしめる.【+前置詞】humble oneself before one's boss上司の前でぺこぺこするHe was humbled by his experiences.経験を積んで謙虚になっていたbe humbled in the dustはずかしめを受ける, 一敗地にまみれる.【+-self】He humbled himself before t
humble abode 質素な住居、拙宅{せったく}Bob, welcome to my humble abode. ボブ、ようこそ拙宅へ。So, what brings you to my humble abode? それで、どのようなご用件で拙宅へ?It's so nice of you officers to drop by our humble abode.Please excuse our humble a