(according to the lunar calendar) an eighteen-day-old moon 意味
- (according to the lunar calendar) an eighteen-day-old moon
- lunar lunar 太陰 たいいん
- moon 1moon n. 月, 太陰. 【動詞+】 admire the moon うっとりと月をながめる a spacecraft
- 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar) 210th day (from the first day of spring according to the lunar calendar) 二百十日 にひゃくとおか
- reckon according to the lunar calendar 太陰暦{たいいんれき}で数える
- old lunar calendar old lunar calendar 旧暦 きゅうれき
- according to the old calendar 暦の上では
- 16-day-old moon 16-day-old moon 十六夜 いざよい
- 17-day-old moon 17-day-old moon 立ち待ち月 たちまちづき
- according to an old adage 古い諺によれば
- according to an old saying 古い諺によると
- lunar calendar lunar calendar 太陰暦 たいいんれき 陰暦 いんれき
- moon on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month or the 13th day of the 9th lunar month 収穫月{しゅうかくづき}、名月{めいげつ}、満月{まんげつ}、中秋の名月、十五夜{じゅうごや}の月◆秋分の日に一番近い満月
- according to the calendar 暦の上では
- april (of the lunar calendar) April (of the lunar calendar) 孟夏 もうか
- bon festival of lunar calendar Bon festival of lunar calendar 旧盆 きゅうぼん