(behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around 意味
- (behaving) outrageously as though there were no one around
- outrageously {副} : 乱暴{らんぼう}に
- though though くせに 例え 仮令 たとえ たとい つつ 乍 ながら
- there there 彼の地 かのち 彼方 かなた あなた あちら 彼処 あそこ あすこ かしこ 其処 そこ
- no no n. (pl. ~es, ~s) 否定, 拒絶. 【動詞+】 “You mean no?"―“I mean no!"
- one one n., pron. 1, 1 つ, 1 人; 一方; 人, もの; 一撃. 【動詞+】 exchange one for the
- around around adv. まわりに. 【副詞】 I heard animal noises all around.
- as though as though 言わんばかり いわんばかり 丸で まるで
- no one 誰も~ない、ひとりも~ない No one came to the party. 誰もそのパーティーに来なかった。
- as though it were a game ゲーム感覚で He committed murder as though it were a game. 彼はゲーム感覚で殺人をしてしまった。
- remember as though it were yesterday 昨日{さくじつ}のことのように思い出す
- outrageously {副} : 乱暴{らんぼう}に
- to speak as though something were actually the case to speak as though something were actually the case 言い做す いいなす
- though (one is) only a beginner though (one is) only a beginner 新米の癖に しんまいのくせに
- though one tells oneself that (that 以下)と言いながら
- young though one is 年は若いけれども