(brother and sister) born of a different mother 意味
- (brother and sister) born of a different mother
- born born adj. ?→2bear (5).///
- different different adj. 異なった, 相違している. 【副詞】 altogether different 全然違う The
- mother mother n. 母; 女子修道院長; 根源. 【動詞+】 lose one's mother 母に死に別れる; 迷子になる At
- born of 《be ~》~のもとに生まれる、~の家に生まれる That girl was born of a horse racing family.
- different mother different mother 異母 いぼ
- born of a different mother 腹違いの
- brother born of a different mother 腹違いの兄弟{きょうだい}
- sister born of the same mother 同腹{どうふく}の妹
- born of a different mother 腹違いの
- brother and sister brother and sister 兄姉 けいし きょうだい
- brother sister inbreeding
- brother sister mating
- brother sister sex play
- brother sister subsidiaries
- brother-sister inbreeding 兄妹交配{けいまい こうはい}