(buddhism) the buddha's great vow (to save all people) 意味
- (Buddhism) the Buddha's great vow (to save all people)
- great 1great n. 偉人, 身分の高い人々, たいしたもの. 【形容詞 名詞+】 one of the all-time greats
- vow 1vow n. 誓い, 誓約. 【動詞+】 abrogate a vow 誓いを捨てる break a vow 誓いを破る
- save 1save n. (サッカーなどで)相手の得点をはばむプレー; (野球で救援投手がリードを守りきった)セーブ試合. 【動詞+】 He made
- all all pron., n. 残らず, 全部. 【動詞+】 I'm sorry. We did all that was humanly
- save all 《コ》すべて保存{ほぞん}
- buddha's vow to save humanity Buddha's vow to save humanity 悲願 ひがん
- amida buddha's original vow Amida Buddha's original vow 本願 ほんがん
- bodhisattva (one who vows to save all beings before becoming a buddha) bodhisattva (one who vows to save all beings before becoming a Buddha) 菩薩 ぼさつ
- great buddha 大仏{だいぶつ}
- appearances of buddha to save men appearances of Buddha to save men 垂迹 すいじゃく
- (buddhism) great teacher (Buddhism) great teacher 大師 だいし
- buddha's great vows Buddha's great vows 弘誓 ぐぜい
- colossal hall of the great buddha 《the ~》大仏殿{だいぶつでん}
- 3 treasures of buddhism: buddha, sutras and priesthood 3 treasures of Buddhism: Buddha, sutras and priesthood 三宝 さんぼう さんぽう
- supreme buddha of sino-japanese esoteric buddhism Supreme Buddha of Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism 大日 だいにち