(effective) field ratio 意味
- (effective) field ratio
- field 1field n. 野原, 畑; 戦場; 現地, 現場; 活動範囲; 競争の場; 領域, 分野; 地, 場. 【動詞+】 Imported
- ratio ratio n. (pl. ~s) 比, 比率, 割合. 【動詞+】 What ratio does the practice of
- effective field 有効磁界{ゆうこう じかい}
- effective compression ratio 有効圧縮比{ゆうこう あっしゅくひ}
- effective l/d ratio effective L/D ratio 有効L/D比[化学]; 有効長さ対直径比[化学]
- effective pitch ratio effective pitch ratio 有効ピッチ比[機械]
- effective electric field 有効電場{ゆうこう でんば}
- effective field intensity effective field intensity 実効電波強度[基礎]
- effective field of view 有効視野{ゆうこう しや}
- effective field theory 《物理》有効場{ゆうこうば}の理論{りろん}
- effective magnetic field 有効磁界{ゆうこう じかい}
- effective visual field 有効視野{ゆうこう しや}
- ratio of effective labor demand to effective supply 有効求人倍率
- field weakening ratio field weakening ratio 弱界磁率[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉; 弱め界磁率[機械]〈99E4001:鉄道車両用語〉
- radio field-to-noise ratio radio field-to-noise ratio 電波対雑音比[基礎]