(music of) wind through pine trees 意味
- (music of) wind through pine trees
- wind 1wind n. (1) 風; 気配, 徴候; 傾向. 【動詞+】 brave the winds and waves 《文語》
- through through adv. 通して, 終わりまで, 残らず. 【副詞】 I haven't read the book right through.
- pine 2pine v. 嘆き暮らす; やつれさせる; 恋いこがれる; 切望する. 【副詞1】 pine away one's life
- trees trees 植え木 植木 うえき
- (sound of) the wind through pine trees (sound of) the wind through pine trees 松風 まつかぜ しょうふう
- (the sound of) the wind through pine trees (the sound of) the wind through pine trees 松濤 しょうとう 松籟 しょうらい
- garden planted with pine trees 松の植わった庭
- garden with pine trees 松の木のある庭
- overnight pine trees 一夜松{いちや まつ}
- row of pine trees 松並木
- stretch of pine trees 松林{まつばやし}の広がり
- windswept pine trees windswept pine trees 磯馴松 そなれまつ
- through the trees 木々{きぎ}の間から
- wind music 吹奏楽{すいそうがく}
- potted pine, bamboo, and plum trees 松竹梅の花活け