(nara and heian era) ministry of ceremonies 意味
- (Nara and Heian era) ministry of ceremonies
- ministry ministry n. (1) (イギリス 日本などの大臣 長官 (minister) が管轄する)省 庁; 政権; 大臣の任務. 【動詞+】
- ceremonies {名} : (宗教{しゅうきょう})儀式{ぎしき}、祭式{さいしき}、(礼儀{れいぎ})作法{さほう}、式典{しきてん} The wedding
- (heian era) monk-soldiers (Heian era) monk-soldiers 衆徒 しゅと 衆徒 しゅうと
- heian era (794-1185) Heian era (794-1185) 平安 へいあん
- (heian period) political operations and ceremonies of the imperial court (Heian Period) political operations and ceremonies of the Imperial Court 公事 くじ
- (heian or kamakura era) government office (Heian or Kamakura era) government office 政所 まんどころ
- in the manner of heian era palatial architecture in the manner of Heian era palatial architecture 寝殿造り しんでんづくり
- ox carriage (for heian era nobles) ox carriage (for Heian era nobles) 牛車 ぎっしゃ ぎゅうしゃ
- name of historic, pre-nara era name of historic, pre-Nara era 飛鳥 あすか
- legal codes of the nara and heian eras based on chinese models legal codes of the Nara and Heian eras based on Chinese models 律令 りつりょう りつれい
- (meiji era) official responsible for court ceremonies (Meiji era) official responsible for court ceremonies 式部 しきぶ
- (nara era) state-supported provincial temples (Nara Era) state-supported provincial temples 国分寺 こくぶんじ
- (from the heian era onward) type of popular song, as opposed to courtly oouta (from the Heian era onward) type of popular song, as opposed to courtly oouta 小歌 こうた
- ceremonies {名} : (宗教{しゅうきょう})儀式{ぎしき}、祭式{さいしき}、(礼儀{れいぎ})作法{さほう}、式典{しきてん} The wedding ceremony took place in a big church. その結婚式は大きな教会で行われた。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- nara NARA {略} : Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act 麻薬中毒者更生法