- have ~ pierced in〔~を〕
usher someone down〔人を〕
- 通す 通す とおす to let pass to overlook to continue to keep to make way for to persist
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- ~に通す usher someone down〔人を〕 …に通す have ~ pierced in〔~を〕
- 2階に通す show up
- 中に通す run into〔~の〕
- 側管に通す 【他動】 bypass
- 先に通す 先に通す さきにとおす to let (a person) pass first
- 座敷に通す show someone into the parlor〔人を〕
- 強引に通す 【他動】 force
- 糸を~に通す run a thread through
- 部屋に通す 1. show someone in 2. show someone into a room〔人を〕
- ろ過器に通す pass ~ through a strainer〔~を〕
- 応接間に通す show someone into the reception room〔人を〕
- 手を髪に通す run a hand through one's hair
- 排出管を~に通す route the exhaust tubing to