- stash ~ behind〔~を〕
- 後ろ 後ろ うしろ back behind rear
- にし にし 西 west 二士 private (JSDF) 二死 two out
- しま しま 島 island 縞 stripe
- まう まう 舞う to dance to flutter about to revolve
- う う 佑 help 傴 bend over 鵜 cormorant 卯 fourth sign of Chinese zodiac (The Hare,
- しまう しまう 仕舞う to finish to close to do something completely to put away to put an
- 運転席の後ろにかばんをしまう stow a bag in back of the driver's seat
- 本の後ろに in the back of a book
- …の後ろに隠す stash ~ behind〔~を〕
- ドアの後ろに behind the door
- 懐にしまう 1. put inside one's kimono 2. stow away in one's inside breast pocket
- いすの後ろに立つ stand behind a chair
- 列の後ろに着く get on a line
- 売り台の後ろに behind the counter
- 机の後ろにある棚 shelf in back of a desk