- read ~ in the __ issue of
- ~を 【他動】 parenthesize
- 読む 読む よむ to read
- む む 六 六つ six 無 nothing naught nil zero
- …誌_月_日号で~についての大変素晴らしい記事を読む read the very fine article about ~ in the __ issue of
- time誌の6月1日号 June 1 issue of TIME magazine ...
- _月_日号に掲載された広報記事 publicity which appeared in the __th issue
- 年を_歳サバを読む lie about one's age by __ years
- 週に_冊本を読む read __ books a week
- _歳サバを読む fudge on one's age by __ years
- _月_日号に掲載されたパブリシティー publicity which appeared in the __th issue
- 年齢を_歳サバを読む lie about one's age by __ years
- 毎週最低_冊の本を読む read at least __ books each week
- _世紀の英語を読む read the English of the __th century
- _分かけて本を読む spend __ minutes to read a book
- _年生程度の英語を読む read English at the __th-grade level