- "What do you think of this bag?" "I like it, but it's too small."
- この この 此の this
- どう どう 如何 how in what way how about 同 the same the said ibid. 僮 child servant
- 思う 思う おもう to think to feel
- いい いい 伊井 that one Italy 良い good
- いと いと 糸 thread yarn string 異図 treasonable intent 意図 intention aim design
- うけ うけ 受け receiving holder defense reputation agreement 有卦 streak of good luck
- けど けど but however
- 小さ 小さ ちいさ small little tiny
- 過ぎ 過ぎ すぎ past after
- バッグ バッグ bag bug
- と思う take it that〔that以下〕 …と思う 1 【他動】 call …と思う 2 1. see ~ as 2. take ~ to
- 過ぎる 過ぎる すぎる to pass to go beyond to elapse to exceed
- どうでもいいと思う not care
- 方が…するよりいいと思う think that it's better to ~ than to〔~する〕
- 違うと思うけど… I don't think so...