- "How long have we been waiting here?" "At least an hour."
- どの どの 何の which what 殿 person Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)
- のく のく 斥く 退く to retreat to recede to withdraw to retire
- くら くら 鞍 saddle 蔵 倉 warehouse cellar magazine granary godown depository treasury
- らい らい 儡 defeat 来 since (last month) for (10 days) next (year)
- てる てる 照る to shine
- るか るか 路加 St Luke
- かな かな I wonder 仮名 仮字 假名 Japanese syllabary (alphabets) kana 哉 how! what! alas!
- なあ 【間投】 1. old man [buddy] 2. say〔呼び掛けの言葉〕
- なく なく 鳴く 啼く to sing (bird) to bark to purr to make sound (animal) 泣く to cry to
- 1時 one
- 時間 時間 じかん time
- 間は as long as〔~の〕
- くらい くらい 暗い dark gloomy 位 grade rank court order dignity nobility situation throne
- どのくらい どのくらい どの位 何の位 how long how far how much
- 少なくとも 少なくとも すくなくとも at least