- "Did something happen?" "Nothing you'd make a big deal about..."
- 何か 何か なにか something
- あっ あっ interj. ?→あっという間に ?→あっと言わせる
- ほど ほど 歩度 one's walking pace 程 degree extent bounds limit
- どの どの 何の which what 殿 person Mister (mostly in addressing someone on an envelope)
- のこ のこ saw[化学]
- こと こと 古都 ancient city former capital 事 thing matter fact circumstances business
- では では then well so well then 出端 chance of going out opportunity (to succeed)
- はな はな 鼻 nose 洟 snivel nasal mucus snot 花 華 flower petal 端 end (e.g. of street)
- ない ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
- いけ いけ 池 pond
- けど けど but however
- かって かって 曾て once before formerly ever former ex- never (with negative verb) 勝手
- ではな ではな 出鼻 projecting part (of a headland, etc.) outset starting out 出端 chance of
- はないけ はないけ 花生け vase
- 何かあったの? 1. Is something the matter? 2. What's the occasion?