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  • Oh, don't worry about that. It doesn't cost that much, does it?
  • ああ     ああ 嗚呼 於乎 於戯 嗟乎 嗟夫 吁 嗟 噫 Ah! Oh! Alas!
  • 心配     心配 しんぱい worry concern anxiety care
  • する     する 為る to do to try to play to practice to cost to serve as to pass to elapse
  • そん     そん 損 loss disadvantage 尊 precious valuable priceless noble exalted sacred 巽
  • なに     なに 何 what
  • にし     にし 西 west 二士 private (JSDF) 二死 two out
  • しな     しな 品 thing article goods dignity article (goods) counter for meal courses 嬌態
  • ない     ない 亡い dead 無い there isn't doesn't have
  • ろう     ろう 僂 bend over 蝋 wax 労 labor toil trouble striving putting (someone) to work
  •      question mark
  • するな     【助動】 don't ~するな Don't you〔「Don't you +
  • そんな     そんな such like that that sort of
  • しない     しない 竹刀 (bamboo) fencing stick 市内 (within a) city
  • ないだ     【形】 becalmed
  • だろう     だろう seems I guess
  • そんなに     1. like that 2. so much
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